Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Diary of Anne Frank

at 12/04/2011 09:00:00 AM
Jew. Holocaust. Hitler. Gas chamber. These are but the words that come to my mind whenever I read or hear of Anne Frank's name. It's like a keyword that results to these terms and interconnect each other.

I have always desired to read The Diary of Anne Frank, I guess because I was caught by the hype and the fame of this little girl's diary. It took me years before I finally bought a copy and actually read it.

I have so much expectations for this biography because of all the hype and praises people has been saying about it. I cannot say that the book disappointed but it surely did not meet my standard. I find some entries a little boring and dragging. I cannot blame her though because it is a diary of a girl who's coming-of-age and at the same time is trapped in a confined space with only a handful of persons to interact with. It was also not to be forgotten that all of these happened when they were caught between bombs and air raids during the second world war. This is reality I know, but I also set a high standard that this Diary fell short. 

It was a good read though, if you want to take a glimpse in the world of a trapped young girl during the second world war. You will discover how circumstances really change a person. You will witness how Anne evolved from being childish to being mature. You will also read about how grown ups reduce to being childish, also due to adapting to the environment. You will realize, as you read, that although caged in her very small world, Anne Frank is still a teenage girl who goes through phases and stages all teenage girls go through. Peter and Anne, they are inseparable. 

Though it was sad how her life ended, I am still a wee bit relieved that Anne Frank nor any of her family members were gassed to death. At the very least, each and every one of them died a natural death, and that for me can be the redeeming factor in this story.


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