I was breathless, and exhausted after reading A Thousand Splendid Suns. I felt like I was physically with Laila throughout her journey from Pakistan, to Herat, and finally to Kabul.
Of all the “No.1 New York Times bestseller” novels that I have ever read (although only a few), this one is one of those that is really deserving of the rank. We all have read, heard, and watched articles, interviews, and news, about Afghanistan especially after the 9/11 attack; but who had known Afghanistan prior 9/11? Who had known, whether consciously or unconsciously about Afghanistan and their own wars? How about the wars against Afghans, women, children, husbands, fathers, wives, sisters? This is our chance. Khaled has told the finest story about his country, full of varying emotions. I am amazed that his story expanded into a vast range of stories.
I also cannot help but be very appreciative of Khaled who acknowledges through this novel that women, if provoked, can stand up for themselves. Mariam and Laila fought and freed themselves together from Rasheed. They did not let him win over them. They did so for their love for each other, and for their love for their children; and even if they started as contenders.
I was also touched by Jalil’s story. It really is true that one can only realize how much a person means to him when the person is already gone. How I wish that Jalil had formed a backbone way back when Mariam had just lost Nana. How I wish yet again that Mariam read the letter Jalil left for her at the door. And yet, all of those are part of reality of life.
In this story you will find parental love, romantic love, brotherly love, and sisterly love. You will also be amazed to know that even in this kind of mess, when seeing goodness is quite unattainable, you will find a story of strangers helping each other even as strange as entrusting an inmate not to endanger you, as what Sayeed has done.

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